Google Marketing Platform - Optimize
Hello my friends,
Today, I want to share something about what I found in Google Marketing Platform. Google Marketing Platform is an analytics platform for smart marketing, it contains different tools for various purposes such as Analytics, Data Studio, Surveys and so on.
I want to explain one of the marketing products from the platform which is "optimize". This product will let you run website experiments to find the factors that convert your visitors, and you can discover your visitors' interests by using the factors and then personalize your website to create an excellent impression for your visitors.
Since we brought up the experiments, so you may ask what the experiments are. There are three tests you can run for your website to learn what works best for your visitors, and the tests including A/B, redirect and multivariate.
Today, I want to share something about what I found in Google Marketing Platform. Google Marketing Platform is an analytics platform for smart marketing, it contains different tools for various purposes such as Analytics, Data Studio, Surveys and so on.
I want to explain one of the marketing products from the platform which is "optimize". This product will let you run website experiments to find the factors that convert your visitors, and you can discover your visitors' interests by using the factors and then personalize your website to create an excellent impression for your visitors.
Since we brought up the experiments, so you may ask what the experiments are. There are three tests you can run for your website to learn what works best for your visitors, and the tests including A/B, redirect and multivariate.
A/B testing is an experiment that randomly uses two or more variants of the same website page. For example, we have an original web A and a variant web B which contains one element that is different from the original A. Each website will serve at the same time, and then the platform will capture the data for each website to see which one has better performance and customer feedback. The following picture shows a example of A/B testing with a different color variations.
Image from Conversio
Redirect testing is a type of A/B test that enables you to test different web pages against each other. One of the biggest differences between A/B testing and redirect testing is that redirect testing is useful when the two websites have very different landing pages or a redesigned page.
A multivariate test is usually applied to see which combination has the best result when variants contain two or more elements at the same time. Multivariate test can compare a higher number of variables and also discover more information about how these variables interact with one another. The picture below shows a multivariate testing.
Image from Multivariate Testing - Conversion Uplift
After you used the experiment, you might find a leader for your website, and you can deploy it to all of your clients or tailor your website experience to suit each type of audience. The platform definitely will help you to gain more customers once you create your own landing page.
Thank you💖,
Cheng Wang
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